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Help Support Our Local Knights of Columbus Council

Saint Vincent de Paul’s Bishop John L. Morkovsky Knights of Columbus Council # 10390 is a non-profit 501 (c)(8) organization. All donations to our council are tax deductible. If you would like to help contribute to Catholic programs and charities we support, click here or the red button below to go to our donations page and make your donation online via credit card. Donate to the Knights of Columbus

Charitable Funds and Programs of the Knights of Columbus

Funds our Knights of Columbus council raise go towards financially assisting local seminarians at St. Mary’s Seminary, contributing to Sister Virginia’s Guayaquil Mission in Ecuador, supporting Pro-Life causes, and many more.  The Knights of Columbus are actively involved in supporting many great causes around the world.  Many parishioners are not aware of numerous ways the Knights of Columbus fraternal order serves and contributes to faith, family, community and life.  The charitable work of our Catholic fraternal Order is demonstrated and appreciated around the world.  In 2021, our Order gave more than $150 million in charitable donations. And Brother Knights around the world stepped forward with more than 47 million hours of hands-on volunteer service. A highlights list of the major charitable programs the Knights of Columbus fraternal Order sponsors, assists, or partners with, is provided below for your review.

United in Charity Fund

Our United in Charity Appeal provides support to all of our initiatives and special projects – like the 3,000 prayer kits that were assembled during the 2022 Warriors to Lourdes trip and sent to Ukrainian soldiers. Gifts to the United in Charity fund allow the Knights to meet our most pressing needs quickly.

Vocations Fund

Scholarships for seminarians has helped many young men over the years pursue their call to the priesthood.

Warriors to Lourdes

Warriors to Lourdes is a pilgrimage co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Archdiocese of the Military. Each year, over 100 wounded warriors embark to Lourdes for physical and spiritual healing.

American Wheelchair Mission

Since 2003, the Knights of Columbus has funded the delivery of tens of thousands of wheelchairs around the world, and right here at home. Thousands of veterans and their families across the United States in need of wheelchairs have received new mobility, and honor the Knights with their thanks and prayers.  To date, we have delivered over 100,000 wheelchairs to people in need around the world.

Ukraine Solidarity Fund

Your generous gift today will directly support displaced Ukrainian citizens both now and as they rebuild after the war.

Coats for Kids Program

When families struggle to clothe their children with warm coats in the winter, Knights of Columbus councils help meet this basic need with Coats for Kids.  In 2021 our Order donated more than 100,000 coats to kids. From Washington, D.C., to the Constance Lake First Nation in Canada, we gave the gift of warmth in the coldest months. Over the past 12 years, we have now given coats to more than 800,000 children.

Disaster Relief

When disaster strikes, our volunteers are ready with supplies and aid in impacted communities around the world.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity and the Knights of ColumbusKnights of Columbus councils work closely with Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit Christian organization, to build homes with families in need at substantially reduced costs. Each year, councils throughout the Order donate a considerable number of volunteer hours and dollars to this worthy cause. To satisfy program requirements, councils are asked to donate a minimum of $1,000 or 200 service hours to Habitat for Humanity projects in their community.

Persecuted Christians Fund

Christians who have fled the religious persecution in the Middle East receive aid through the Persecuted Christians Fund, established in 2014.

Special Olympics

Knights of Columbus Special Olympics SupportThe mission of Special Olympics Texas is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. These activities give them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. “LET ME WIN, BUT IF I CANNOT WIN, LET ME BE BRAVE IN THE ATTEMPT.”

Culture of Life Fund

Over 1 million moms have seen their unborn children thanks to the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Program. Since 2009, the Order has funded more than 1,500 ultrasound machines through donations from councils and the Culture of Life Fund.

Pregnancy Center Support

More than 3,000 pro-life pregnancy centers now operate throughout territories of the Knights of Columbus. By the very nature of its founding, the Knights of Columbus is called to care for the widow and orphan. Abortion-vulnerable unborn children and mothers experiencing unexpected pregnancies certainly fall within that mandate. With aid from the Knights, pregnancy centers can offer support to help women choose life. Councils can “adopt” a pregnancy center and provide material, labor, and spiritual support throughout the year.

Gary Sinise Foundation

Gary Sinise Foundation Partnership with the Knights of ColumbusUnder its Restoring Independence Supporting Empowerment (R.I.S.E.) program, the Gary Sinise Foundation is building specially adapted smart homes for the nation’s most severely wounded veterans. These one-of-a-kind homes are being constructed all across the country for wounded heroes, their caregivers and families. In 2014, the Knights of Columbus began its partnership with the Gary Sinise Foundation, starting off our partnership by assisting in the creation of a smart home for Corporal Kyle Hockenberry and his wife, Ashley. Gary Sinise Speaks to the Knights of Columbus

Father McGivney Military Chaplain Scholarships

Established in 2011, the Knights of Columbus Father McGivney Military Chaplains scholarship program helps fund the education of seminarians preparing to become Catholic chaplains in the U.S. Armed Forces.