Our Grand Knight
Our Council’s Grand Knight – Gabriel Couriel
Gabriel A. Couriel is originally from Miami, Florida and moved to Texas in 2012, settling in Houston in 2015. Gabriel is married and has been a parishioner at St. Vincent de Paul since 2017. He became a member of the Knights of Columbus in 2019, and was elected Deputy Grand Knight in 2020. In 2022, Gabriel was elected Grand Knight of Council 10390.
Brother Couriel is focused and committed to growing our council and achieving the goals we have set for the fraternal year. If you are thinking about joining the Knights of Columbus click on the red “Join Us!” button near the top right corner of this page, complete and submit the form. Our Grand Knight will be happy to call you and answer any questions you might have before joining. A message from our Brother Couriel follows below:
Message From Our Grand Knight
Thank you for your interest in our council. Throughout our history at St. Vincent de Paul, our council has been a pillar of support to our parish. I hope to be able to continue and expand this role, putting our faith into action. Please come out and join us, as we assist our parish community and beyond, striving to fulfill the vision of Blessed Michael McGivney, because Where There’s a Need, There’s a Knight!